Take care... :) |
Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
I'm Finally Back!!!!

Take Care... :)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I'm Exhausted!!!!
Friday night we headed to the Nundle Town Hall and had a yummy soup and damper dinner with homemade rocky-road for dessert (thanks Peg and Dale for the dessert)...

I met so many fantastic bloggers over the weekend (you know who you are :)).. I had such an amazing time but after all of this being said I am also so very glad to be home... I've never spent a night away from my little princess before and I never thought it was possible to miss someone so much... It really did feel good walking into my house on Sunday night and being greeted by a very excited little girl....
I bought loads of goodies and will post about all of that at a later date... Take Care... :)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I LOVE Australia Post!!!!!!!

Speaking of swaps.... I almost forgot to mention that I joined up for the Doll Quilt Swap round 3. The deadline to post out your quilt was the 28th of April but with all of the hype from my swap with Kellie I didn't get it posted until today... Hopefully my swap partner doesn't mind too much...
There was no theme for this swap so I just with a traditional block using some modern fabrics and finished off with some hand quilting....
You'll have to wait til later for a full pic as this swap is a surprise/secret too....
I know that I promised some reno shots this week but they're going to have to wait til next week... sorry :( I've been flat out and have totally forgotten to take some decent pics of the tilling we did over the weekend.... I did take a couple of macros though and here's one just to keep you interested.... :)We obviously still have to grout and if you've ever tiled before ( I haven't but have been assured) than you'll know that the grout is what really makes it look pretty....
O.K... If you made it this far THANKYOU!!!! I know that this was one hell of a post.... But now I'm off to pack my bags as I'm off to Nundle for the 'Girls Day (weekend) in the Country'... Kerry Swain has organised the whole thing and she has Rosalie Quinlin and Leanne Beasley comming with a special project for us all to do... I'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning, going via Donna's place to pick her up and meeting up with Fiona and some other girls at Nundle around lunch time... I'm so excited and will tell you all about it sometime next week....
Take Care and have a lovely weekend....
Spring Seed Swap?
I had big plans of sharing a late Winter garden update with you all this post, full of beautiful pictures of Wintry produce such as peas (...
With Xmas only just over a month away I've been getting quite a few emails from people about the Crochet Xmas Star Tutorial I did b...
I had big plans of sharing a late Winter garden update with you all this post, full of beautiful pictures of Wintry produce such as peas (...