Making : : A cardigan, this one, for myself.
Cooking : : From this cookbook, for most meals.

Drinking : : Icy cold white wine in the evenings, which is totally not like me - I'm a red wine girl all the way.
Reading : : Cookbooks, and loving this one full of beautiful interesting recipes and stories. I especially love how Hetty gives you loads of substitutes for ingredients that might be tricky to find.
Next read : : Cut Flower Garden
Wanting : : A new worm farm.
Looking : : At the Soul Craft Festival Schedule and planning a trip down south for June so I can attend.
Playing : : The Podcast 'A Plate to Call Home' and loving the latest episode with Tamsin Carvin.
Deciding : : Which Masterclass to attend while at Soul Craft Festival (if any at all) and thinking this one or this one would be fun!
Wishing : : The school holidays weren't over. My littlest guy started school and I'm missing him like crazy!
Enjoying : : The heat of Summer now that we have a pool to cool down in.
Waiting : : For my next batch of cucumber plantings to get their legs and grow, grow, grow.
Liking : : That water at our new farm is so much easier to come by and our vegetable garden is producing amazing produce as a result.

Wondering : : How long it will be before I can light my wood fired oven again - it's way too hot to light it today!

Loving : : That we bought a boat! And that trips to the water to take the kids skiing are now a regular part of our days.
Pondering : : Expanding my vegetable patch for the next Spring/Summer planting.
Considering : : Raised garden beds for my leafy greens and small herbs.
Buying : : Nothing!!!!! And embracing bartering where I can.
Watching : : 'The Good Life' on DVD with my family, again.
Next watch : : Not too sure, any recommendations?
Hoping : : The Kombucha Scoby that an Insta-friend sent me in the mail arrives safely today.
Marveling : : At the kindness of complete strangers.
Cringing : : At the waste people create without even noticing - that's a topic for a whole other post one day soon.
Needing : : A hair cut! It has been almost 18 months since I stepped into a hair salon - gasp!!!
Questioning : : Whether I've planted enough tomatoes to make our annual sauce/relish/pasata for the pantry to enjoy over the cooler months.
Smelling : : Salvia flowering in my garden - its sweet smell is absolutely intoxicating!
Wearing : : Simple cotton dressed and bare feet, daily.

Following : : The Soul Craft Festival Instagram feed.
Worrying : : About the influence of full-time school on my littlest guy.
Noticing : : That over the holidays my biggest girl grew that much that she's now almost as tall as me!
Knowing : : That I must savor everyday - my little people are growing up way too fast.
Thinking : : About taking my family on an extended overseas holiday and tossing up between Africa and Europe.
Admiring : : Amanda Blake Soule, as always!
Sorting : : Through boxes of fibre and planning a blanket project for 2018.
Getting : : Excited for the year ahead and what it has in store for my little family.
Bookmarking : : New recipes to try from this book.
Coveting : : The last of the Xmas chocolates!
Disliking : : Nothing really.
Opening : : A special present from my dear friend Kylie.
Snacking : : On Zucchini Walnut Cake from this book.

Hearing : : The wind as it whips through the big Iron bark trees outside my window.