My basil is growing out of control at the moment, which I'm not complaining about, so I've been looking for some yummy recipes to make with it. Helen came up with a brilliant idea here and she also makes this great "poor woman's pesto" which sounds super delicious. You just blend kalamata olives, lots of basil, toasted sunflower seeds and olive oil together into a paste and stir it trough pasta or use it as a spread on sandwiches. YUMMO!!!! I have 3 huge bushes like the one below that need some serious de-leafing soon..... If anybody has a recipe idea I'd love to try it out.
On the doll quilt front, I finished, yippee!!!! I was just about to post it off when I thought I'd go check out my swap partners blog just one more time..... WELL!!!! It turns out that I've been checking out the wrong persons blog, BUGGER!!! It also turns out that my real swap partner REALLY doesn't like the country/shabby chic style of quilting which I've used here, she's more into a contemporary/traditional styled quilt.... Oh No!!!!!
So I set to creating a new doll quilt for the swap. Thanks to Amandajean and her fantastic quilt-a-long I decided to fashion this block into a traditional doll quilt with a contemporary feel..... This is what I came up with.....
I've been seeing this gorgeous Japanese website around blog land lately and just had to share it with everyone. All Buttoned Up made some of the paper craft for her son over the weekend and it looks like he had a great time playing with it all, she's posted a pic on her blog. I'd love to make some for myself, they're just SO cute. I think that my little princess is a bit small for them at the moment but I'll make them up anyway.
Patricia over at A Little Hut is also loving paper crafts at the moment and has came up with a creative idea to turn old egg cartons into a cute gift for Valentine's Day. I'm going to give it a go with my little princess, I'm sure that she'd get a hoot out of painting the egg carton for me..... What crafting ideas have you got on the go for Valentine's Day???? I'd love to hear all about them....
I've crammed a bit of everything into this post today, hope it hasn't blurred your vision..... LOL!!!