I've decided to join in with
Melinda's Growing Challenge.... The #1 rule of this challenge is to grow 1 additional type of fruit or vegetable from seed than you did last year.... Now for those that have never grown any fruit or veg before, ever, well that's OK, there's a huge support network over at Melinda's website for gardeners of all skill levels.... The aim of this challenge is to get people growing more fresh fruit and veg at home....
Isn't this a fantastic idea??? With the growing cost of living these days why not ease the pain by growing your own produce.... I've had a veggie patch for as long as I can remember and the flavour of your own home grow fruit and veg is AMAZING!!!!
This year I've decided to have a go at growing
green squash from seed. I came across these fantastic
Jiffy Pellets (or seed raising pots) at my local hardware shop the other day and just had to give some a go..

For $5 you get about 24, that's pretty good value don't you think????
Seen as though my hands were already dirty from potting my seeds I decided to plant 1/2 a dozen of these trees (I bought them from here for $1.80 each for those interested) outside the boundary of the house yard....
It's a bottle-brush and is among the hardiest of Australian native trees. This is a must, the hardiness that is, for where I live. Our annual rain fall out here is usually only about 6 inches (which translates into VERY BLOODY DRY!!!!!) LOL!!! Once they're established they should have beautiful red flowers through the months of Spring which will be great for attracting birds.
In amongst all of this 'planting' yesterday afternoon I couldn't help but snap this shot of Fog (our dog) keeping an eye on a potty lamb for me....
All of the potty's are back out in the paddock now but still like to come and visit me at the house in the afternoons....
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and in some way or other manage to get your hands dirty... Take Care :)