My Dad loves tomato relish.. So armed with a big box of homegrown tomatoes he approached me with a plan... I make the relish, he supplies the tomatoes and then we go halves. Sounds like a good plan to me....
The recipe that I use is one that has been handed down through my family for years. I love how it tastes and am yet to come across another relish quite like it....

I love making homemade relish but removing the labels from the jars can be an absolute nightmare, that was until my Mum finally taught me how to do it properly...
First, fill your jars up with boiling water put the lid on and leave for 5 mins. The label should now peel off with ease leaving behind a small amount of glue. Next, wrap the outside of the jar in clingfilm that has a solution of equal parts dish-washing liquid and water sprayed on it. Once again leave for 5 mins. Remove the clingfilm and wash jars in hot water. Any glue still left on the jars once dry can be removed with a cotton ball and some eucalyptus oil.... This method is sure to give a shinny clean jar every time....

Do you have a special method for getting those stubborn labels off jars???
I also made some butterscotch choc-chip muffins this morning while brewing up my batch of relish.....

These were super easy and taste so delicious. They're best served heated with a dollop of whipped butter or cream on top for dessert, YUMMO!!!!! But you can eat them cooled and they're still delicious...

Butterscotch Choc-Chip muffins
2 Cups SR Flour
1/2 Cups P Flour
1/4 teaspoon bicarb soda
3/4 Cups firmly packed Brown Sugar
1 Cup Cooking chocolate, chopped
2 Tablespoons Golden Syrup
1 1/4 Cups Buttermilk (see note below for how to make your own butter milk)
100g melted Butter
1 Egg, lightly beaten
Stir flours, sugar, chocolate and soda together.
Whisk buttermilk and golden syrup until dissolved, add melted butter and egg, whisk well.
Add liquid to flour, mix until just combined. DO NOT OVER MIX!!!
Divide mixture evenly between muffin pans.
Bake for 15-20 mins at 180'C or until golden in colour and cooked when tested.
Makes about 18 large muffins.
note: to make buttermilk add 2 Tablespoon of either vinegar or lemon juice to a 500ml jug and fill to 500ml measurement with milk. Leave for 5 minutes then use as needed.