Monday, August 29, 2016

At the End of August

Unfortunately the recent month has seen my family travelling more than we would normally prefer to. Our farmer has fallen ill, very ill, and there's been many tests, specialist visits and stays in motels over the past month, as we try to nut out just exactly what is wrong with the {rock} of our family unit. There's still a long road ahead, with many more tests still to come, but at the moment we are home, enjoying the simple pleasures and thanking our lucky stars to have a beautiful home of our own and to live the life that we do.

So today, I'm reflecting on my garden and how amazing it is producing this year despite the neglect of the past 4 weeks. I currently have Baby Turnips slowly plumping up, and this recipe will definitely be what I make with my first harvest - baked turnips, YUM! 
turnips 1
There are Peas growing in abundance almost everywhere, with lettuce and kale planted amongst the vines in spare patches of dirt. We're enjoying all parts of the plant this year, before it sets fruit - flowers, young shoots, and baby pods before the peas form. They're all simply divine and deliciously crunchy in a salad, especially with this Lime Cilantro dressing drizzled over the top!
peas 3 peas 2
We have hundreds of onions, in neat uniformed rows down the centre of most beds.  
peas 1
And at least 50 Broccolini plants which are all flowering. We're harvesting this delicious crisp veg daily at the moment, and adding it to most meals. This simple Broccolini Pizza with a sourdough base is a big hit with all members of my family.
broccolini 1
Then there's the Lettuce and Asian greens, OH.SO.MANY! With the weather slowly warming, in anticipation of Spring, I love that Salads and stir-fry's are in full swing here!  
lettuce 1
Then there's the Broadbeans, flowering and setting their pods.
broadbeans 1 broadbeans 2 broadbeans 3 broadbeans 4
With lettuce, kale, and baby turnips planted in their understory. I can't wait to try out this recipe for Broadbean pesto very soon!
broadbeans 5 broadbeans 6
And of coarse there's the beetroot, hundreds and hundreds of delicious blood red beetroot.
beets 4 beets 3 beets 2
I simply love beetroots and every year I grow an abundance of this delicious root to preserve for the months ahead.

Are you growing an abundance of produce to feed your family where you are?


  1. hey I do hope that Mr Jellywares is back to normal very soon........everything falls back to us when they are out of action.........the garden is looking so healthy........

  2. Oh Jodie...I am so sorry. I have thought of you often since we met in-real-life and thought how nice it would be to catch up for a chat. Your garden is abundant! I think connecting with nature and growing food can be so grounding and reassuring in difficult times x

    1. I think of you often too Jane, and you're right, it would be lovely to catch up again, for a long chat over coffee and cake

  3. Hope there are answers soon, enjoy that amazing garden.

  4. I have just discovered your blog, Jodie. Your amazing garden looks huge and abundant. I have a much smaller patch but it still produces lots of food for our family. There's always something to add to a meal or to base a meal around. Over Winter, that was silverbeet and kale and beetroots (I love beetroots too!) and now there's lettuce, cherry tomatoes, broccoli and some beans. I've just planted cucumber, more cherry tomatoes, capsicum and zucchini. I hope your "farmer" is feeling better, that all those tests have gotten to the bottom of things and that he is journeying towards better health. I hope to pop back later to look through your archives and generally enjoy myself reading all your posts. Meg:)

  5. So sorry to hear your Farmer is very sick and I hope you get answers very soon.
    We are also growing broad beans and peas we only have a small veggie patch. Your garden is really flourishing!

  6. Wow what a beautiful garden you have so inspiring and motivating. I really need to get more seeds into my space. a great blog to read over with my morning coffee. Jacqui C

  7. احصل الآن اقوى الخدمات المنزلية و الخدمات الخاصة بالخزانات من تنظيف و عزل و غيره بإستخدام افضل المعدات و الوسائل المتطورة من شركة العنود للخدمات المنزلية بالسعودية


  8. تمتع بافضل خدمة ابادة للحشرات من اكبر شركة مكافحة البق بمكة والتي توفر افضل الحملات لكي تقدم افضل خدمة ابادة الحشرات باقل تكلفه تمتعوا بافضل خدمة ابادة لاننا نوفر لكم كبري حملات ابادة الحشرات و نوفر احدث المبيدات الحشرية التي تستخدم في قتل الحشرات وتوفر لكم اكبر عدد من العمالة المدربة علي رش المنازل واننا نوفر احدث المبيدات التي تستخدم في مكافحة النمل لذا تعد اشهر شركة مكافحة النمل بمكة وتخلصكم منه في اسرع وقت ,كما اننا نعد افضل من يمتلك فريق ليخلصكم من الصراصير شركة مكافحة الصراصير بمكة كما اننا نقوم بالرش لنخلصكم من العته شركة مكافحة العته بمكة دون تك المنزل ودون ان نكلفكم الكثير من المال

  9. مع اشهر شركة ابادة حشرات للمولات والتي توفر افضل خدمة لتخلصكم من الحشرات بكافة انواعها وتوفر لكم المبيدات التي تستخدم في رش المنزل وتخلصها من الحشرات بمنتهي الاخلاص والامانة و نمتلك عدد من امهر العمالة المدربة علي رش مختلف الاماكن و
    مكافحة حشرات للجانين و ايضا ابادة حشرات للمصانع و
    ابادة حشرات للمطاعم لاننا ندريك خطورة انتشار الحشرات في المنزل بشكل كبير ونرغب في ان نحافظ علي منزلكم خالي من اي حشرات

  10. مع اكبر شركة امن وحراسة في مصر شركة الحارس الخاص سنوفر لكم افضل فريق من رجال الامن تم اختيارهم باعلي قدر من العناية كي يوفروا لكم الامن والامان ونوفر احدث كاميرات المراقبة التي تستخدم في عملية المراقبة لذا نعد اشهر شركة حراسات امنية وذلك كي تتمتعوا بافضل خدمة امنية في مصر

  11. I wish I can make my garden as beautiful as yours

  12. very informative and impressive article. Thanks for sharing with us
    cyfuture cloud


Spring Seed Swap?

I had big plans of sharing a late Winter garden update with you all this post, full of beautiful pictures of Wintry produce such as peas (...