Friday, August 17, 2007
Flash Back Friday #4

Monday, August 13, 2007
Home Sweet Home
I received a parcel of fabric from America last week that I've been itching to show everyone. I picked it up on my way out of town on Wednesday afternoon and have had no blog since then to post any pictures. Well here it is...I got a couple of metres of each which I think will be ample. I've a use for the purple fabric, it will back a cot quilt, but not for the other two. I just saw them and thought 'oh what the heck'.
The online store that I bought them all from was Reprodepot and let me tell you now..... You really must go over there and have a look, it's just GREAT!!!! Her fabric is so cheap and the freight to Australia is really quick, it only took four days.
I can't emphasise enough just how happy I am with my very first overseas fabric order. I also ordered some fabric from another store in America at the same time but am yet to receive it. Hopefully it'll come some time this week and when it does I'll give you all a looksee and post the link to the site.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Road Trip
I've been meaning to tell everyone about this great little blog that I discovered through the Doll Quilt Swap. It's Lulu Lolly Legs and it's the work of an amazingly talented women from Melbourne, Australia. She has also signed up for the four seasons quilt swap (I have too), fingers crossed I might be lucky enough to have her as my swap partner. She does the most sensational patchwork. She also has a great little tutorial for a lined apron on her blog. Trust me, you won't regret it, go check her out...
I will be taking my laptop away with me this trip so that I don't miss out on posting a pic for my flashback Friday. Take care everyone........ Until next time.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Belated Flashback Friday #3

I'm happy to report that I'm an auntie for the 3rd time around. My sister in law gave birth to a healthy baby boy weighing 7"5' at 3am on Wednesday morning. She's arriving home tomorrow so I just can't wait to see her new little bundle of joy. She had to have the baby in Sydney as our local hospital no longer has the facilities to deliver babies. This is such a pity but is becoming more and more common in small country towns throughout NSW.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
PIF Exchange

Spring Seed Swap?
I had big plans of sharing a late Winter garden update with you all this post, full of beautiful pictures of Wintry produce such as peas (...
With Xmas only just over a month away I've been getting quite a few emails from people about the Crochet Xmas Star Tutorial I did b...
I had big plans of sharing a late Winter garden update with you all this post, full of beautiful pictures of Wintry produce such as peas (...