I've been making pickles like a made woman of late, trying to use up my abundance of home grown produce... This morning saw me trying to put a bit of a twist on some old favourites....

The 2 jars on the left are 'Spicy Pickled Heirloom Cucumber' and the 2 jars on the right are 'Crystal Apple Cucumber Relish'.... I have a taste testing this evening with my
sister in town and if all goes well these 2 'new' varieties will be hitting the shelves at 'Country Simplicity'...... Which one would you like to taste??? I'll pop the recipe up on my blog for the most popular one according to your comments....
As promised here is the free washer pattern that I gave a sneak peak to in my last post....
'Vintage Lace Washer'Using 4mm knitting needles and 8ply cotton cast on 41sts. Knit 5 rows.
Row 1 - K4 *K1, YO, K2, sl1, K2tog, psso, K2, YO* (rep from * to * until 5 sts remain) K5.
Row 2 (and alt rows) - K4, Purl to last 4 sts, K4.
Row 3 - K4, *K1, YO, K2, K3Tog(purlwise), K2, YO* (rep from * to * until 5 sts remain) K5.
Rep rows 1-4 a total of 10 times.
Knit 5 rows and cast off. Weave in ends and if you like, make a tag for hanging using one of your ends by crocheting 12 chain then slipping back into first chain to create loop..
I'd love to hear any feed back on this pattern from those that are willing to give it a try... The one that I made in the pic is not blocked, blocking will help to make a squarer looking cloth...
Take Care...... Jodie...... :)