Let me set the scene......
Just before Xmas DH decided that he'd surprise me with a gift that was destined to save me a hell of a lot of wasted time on the business front - a Smart Phone... I was SO EXCITED!!!!! I was now able to email and blog as well as catch up on all my other Internet Stuff 'on the go'... I loved my Smart Phone and treated it accordingly...
That was until last Monday night, my first night away at camp, when after less than 15mins of sitting on a bench top in our hostel, unattended as I bathed my Connie Girl, my new Smart Phone went missing... At first I assumed that it was simply misplaced, I searched and searched and searched and searched - for a whole week and nearly went crazy in the process - but now after confirmation from my provided I know that my phone was in fact stolen.....
Although I cancelled my SIM as soon as I misplaced my phone there are still precious pictures that remain on the hard drive of my missing Smart Phone...
I am absolutely devastated!!! Even as I type this post I still can't believe that something like this has happened - surely I must be mistaken??? Right???? Why would someone want to 'steel' my phone??? Are there really people out there like that????
So now, I sit here without a phone. Being isolated like we are out here it's a 10 day, minimum, wait before my replacement phone will arrive but do I really want it???... I'm not a religious person but I do believe that you should 'do unto others as you would like done unto you' - right??? I could never imagine taking someones private possession for my own gain - could you?
At least I managed to download this pic off my Smart Phone the day before School camp.....

Take Care and Keep Your Valuables Close... xx