My first week of part time work went great!!! I can't believe just how much I've managed to get done....
First of all I got to knit up another little beanie for bub #2.....
I know that I don't know the sex of this bub yet but for some reason I was just drawn to this yarn and had to knit something with it. If it turns out that I actually have a little boy than that's o.k, he'll look dashing in pink now wont he... LOL!!!
I've also started a matching pair of socks to go with this beanie... Here's my progress so far....
1 down 1 to go... (both of these patterns are free Raverly downloads for those interested)
The little princess and I got a chance to start building some garden beds around the base of the cedar trees that line the boundary of the homestead yard. The bricks that we're building them out of have been salvaged from the original homestead that burnt down in the early 70's, we have 100's of these bricks and don't you worry I have 100's of ideas to use them all up too... :)
Isn't she just the greatest little helper???? :)
I remember spotting an old cast iron bed up at our farm tip about 2 months ago and thought about dragging it back to the house one day and trying to restore it for the little princess. Well on Thursday morning I did just that, dragged it back from the tip...
To my surprise there's nothing wrong with it..... (sorry about the bad pic)... After a bit of scrubbing to get rid of the surface rust, a wipe down with metho and a coat of primer I'm now ready to give this baby a lick of paint before she heads into the house for her second life.... You see the little princess is still in a cot so this bed will be her first official 'big girly' bed.... How exciting!!!!
If you look really close you should just be able to spot an old dressing table next to the bed in the pic..... I bought this old girl at a farm clearing sale about 12 months ago for $5. It has a gorgeous set of old beveled edged mirrors to go with it and I've decided that this will make the most perfect addition to the little princess's room along with the bed...
I've started a quilt like this one but in purple for the little princess for Xmas to go on her new 'big girly' bed. It's all cut out so now it's time for the fun part, sewing it all together...
Speaking of quilts I also managed to whip up a little pram/cot quilt for bub #2...
I just have to sew on some binding and it's done..... Each of the squares measure 5" so it's not really that big, just perfect for my little old antique cot... :)
I told you that I had a great week now didn't I??? I could really get used to this part-time/stay at home stuff and I'll definitely be making the most of my precious time before bub #2 comes along....
It's just satrted to rain here where I am. My house has a tin roof and I love the sound that the rain makes when it hits it... I hope you're getting some rain in your area too... Take Care.. :)