Today has been a sad one here at 'Darling Downs' Station with a very special member of our family passing away.... Little Puppy Lucy put her life on the line and lost it protecting me and my girls and for that I am forever thankful....
Let me explain..
Every Tuesday Morning the girls and I head out for the long walk to collect the mail... It's a great time for exploring and usually takes just over 2 hours.
This morning made for a gorgeous walk, the sun was shining and there was loads of wild-life out, maybe too much...

Connie was riding off up in front, Millie was tagging behind with me and the cats and dogs were following intently... Little did we know that there was one hell of a brown snake up ahead on the road
'sunning' itself.

Thankfully Little Puppy Lucy is never too far away from Connie girl and as soon as she spotted it's glistening coat on the red dirt road she bolted in front of Connie and did her damnedest to scare it away....
A lot of things happened in amongst all of this commotion even though to me it seems like not much happened at all... To save you all the gorry details poor little Lucy was bitten and the cries that we heard from her mouth were enough to turn any-one's blood cold...

My 2 girls were horrified as the impact from the snake was instant and our precious little puppy was paralyzed and died within a couple of minutes...
At the very second I saw that snake lay it's dirty fangs into the side of our beloved family companion I cursed... I cursed so load that I'm sure the neighbours 15 km's away heard... Why had I chosen to live so far away, so isolated from veterinary help and an anti-venom that just might have helped our little puppy???? What would I have done if one of my girls had been bitten instead????

So on the long walk back to the house there was a lot of
'Why Mummy's' from Miss Connie, my ever curious 3 1/2 year old, and even though all I wanted to say was
'it's just not right' I put my Mummy hat on and we talked it through....

We loved you very much Little Puppy Lucy... You sure are going to be missed.... xxxx