On my craft front, I've finished those blue booties that I started a couple of days back. I also decided to knit up a matching blue beanie with the leftover wool from the booties. I'll let you all know how I get on with it.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I Got It!!!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Thrifty Finds
That about wraps it up for my thrifty post... I hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Flash Back Friday #2

Thursday, July 26, 2007
My Newest Additions
I just love them all so much!!! They all have names (of coarse) and each and every one has personality to boot. We have Lucky (she's the one with the twins that I couldn't get a clear photo of), Browny (she's just about to have a baby and is to the left of the pic above), Beau (he's the little tan coloured ram in the middle of the pic) and last but not least Beauty (my little black and white baby girl to the right).... The most spoilt of them all would have to be Beau, he just loves to give me kisses, it's so sweet!!! I never thought sheep could be so friendly. My other 4 sheep are friendly but nothing like this tribe.
As for my little princess, she is in animal heaven!!! She's absolutely loves having all of these animals around her. Every time that we drive up the driveway she practically jumps out of her car seat trying to get her face up to the window to see them all. Then, whilst undoing her straps to let her out of the car she can't fight her excitement and has to let out several little squeals just to let them know that she's home. Mind you, the animals are equally excited to see her too, jumping around. Priceless!!!
This morning I managed to knit up one of these Saartje's Bootees before my little princess started her day. I originally got the link from my sister over at Bliss...by luv abby and she in turn got it from Crafted By Kylie. I've changed the pattern just a little bit and have decided to do the straps in a completely different way. Here's what I've done so far...
On another note... The team over at madeit.com left me a comment on this post so I decided to go check them out. Let me fill you in on a little secret.... They have a blog and a web site and guess what... their both GREAT!!! It's set up for Aussie's to buy and/or sell handmade/homemade products. There isn't a lot for sale on there as of yet but hopefully after a little bit more exposure the product lists will grow. I'm really considering listing a couple of items with them to see how I go. It has a really fresh feel about it, not at all like etsy or eBay, I'm really loving it!!! p.s I have a link to their site in the column to the right.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Oh The Possibilities!!!
There's also a pattern for a plastic bag babies bib on the site. Too Clever!!! Also check out this Divine hand bag crocheted out of plastic bags and strips of denim. The possibilities are endless....
Friday, July 20, 2007
Flashback Friday

Have a Happy Weekend Everyone!!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Oh So Proud
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Wee Little Apron
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
It's A Start
Friday, July 13, 2007
Latest Accomplishments....
I've also made her some little crochet booties and a matching bib. As you can tell I bought a lot of the yellow wool. It's just so super soft, perfect for the little ones.
SO BUSY!!!!!
You see it's school holidays here in NSW and I offered to take my 12yr old sister for a week, that was on Sunday (last week). So I have been trying to keep her busy and entertained, which hasn't been as easy as I thought it would with a full time job, a husband and a 10mth old daughter. Don't get me wrong, I've been having a blast! We've been watching movies, going shopping, staying up late, cooking, playing board games etc,etc... The consequence of having all this fun is that some things have had to fall by the wayside for a while and my blog, unfortunately, was one of them.
I did get a chance to finish my Doll Quilt for the swap this week. I put it in the post on Wednesday. Hopefully my swap partner will get it within the next week or so, she lives in New York so it will take a bit longer than usual Aussie post (obviously).
My sister and I went to an amazing hairdresser in Dubbo yesterday and got our hair washed, cut and styled which was really nice for a change. I can't remember the last time that I did that (sigh). I now have a fringe again, after about 12yrs of not having one. It feels SO funny but I'm loving it and I'm sure that it won't take long to get used to.
On another note... While I've been slacking off my sister over at Bliss...by luv Abby has been doing some amazing stuff. She has made another pair of gorgeous Debbie Bliss bootees. You should really go check her out, she's got some great links. She also has some really yummy recipes and she always posts great pictures.
I can't wait to get back into the swing of it all after my week off! I'll be posting again tonight so make sure you pop by! I have loads of pictures of finished projects and some pictures of some works in projects. I'll also put a pic on of my new fringe for all of those curious ones out there.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Great Links
Now lets get to business....
The first cab off the rank of great links would have to be a little beauty that I found on corrie's blog which is a free knitting pattern by the famous Jean Greenhowe for the most adorable Rainbow Baby.
Next we have a link to a very talented lady from Melbourne Australia, it's Joanne. She makes the most amazing cards, really worth a look.
As some of you may have noticed by the new button in my side bar, I have joined the ranks of yet another blog group... The Pincushion Challenge!!! What you do is make a Pincushion to match the theme on the blog and send an email of the finished cushion to the blogs host, it's then posted on the blog, kinda like the tie one on apron challenge but with Pincushions instead.
O.K. then I found this blog called Ric-Rac. Jodie is the creator of this fantastic blog. She has this great link to the Scrap Bag Challenge. I'm definitely going to join this one! You have to design a 16" cushion using the Chocolate Lollipop range of fabric, the entries are then judged and the winner of the challenge receives $150 worth of this wonderful fabric. Entries close 31st August so you have plenty of time to check it out.
I hope that everyone finds at least one of these links as helpful and inspiring as I have.
Happy reading!!!
Today's 'Get Happy Now' Tip #24 - Give yourself a foot bath, finishing off with a pedicure. Your feet will love you for it.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Sock Progress
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Doll Quilt Update
Monday, July 2, 2007
Slowly But Surely
It's the easiest pattern, just knit 2 purl 2 round and round and round. I'm yet to read the instructions for the heal but hopefully they're just as easy.
I have to let everyone know this gorgeous bootee pattern that I found on Kylie's blog. She left me a comment a couple of days ago so I went and checked her out. OMG she has the most adorable blog, really worth a look. There's heaps of great projects on there, plus links to some really fantastic patterns.
Today's 'Get Happy Now' Tip #22 - Don't expect people to accept you despite your faults. Address them. You'll like yourself more, too.
Spring Seed Swap?
I had big plans of sharing a late Winter garden update with you all this post, full of beautiful pictures of Wintry produce such as peas (...
With Xmas only just over a month away I've been getting quite a few emails from people about the Crochet Xmas Star Tutorial I did b...
I had big plans of sharing a late Winter garden update with you all this post, full of beautiful pictures of Wintry produce such as peas (...