When I arrived home from our extra long family break/holiday I was welcomed by an abundance of ripe passion-fruit, 40 to be exact, all waiting for me on the ground, just below my trusty old passion-fruit vine....
It's taken me nearly 4 years to finally grow a vine that is healthy enough to produce an abundance of fruit and an abundance of fruit it is bearing...
So with visions of passion-fruit wine
(be very excited) in my head I pulped my 40 passion-fruit into zip-lock bags.

These are now headed for the freezer until I have enough pulp needed to create my very first brew of passion-fruit wine.... YUMM-O!!!!!
Another fruit ripe on the vine at the moment are heirloom Tommy-toe tomatoes....
These babies have had a pretty hard start to life. You see about 3 months ago 80 head of sheep decided to have a little party in my garden when I went to Sydney for a long weekend with DH and my girls... I arrived home to a TRASHED garden and have been too devastated to share pictures with you all... Everything, and I mean E V E R Y T H I N G was gone. Grapes, tomatoes, roses, jasmine, apples, cherries, pomegranates, citrus trees, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, shrubs, vines, oh and did I mention my tomatoes, my 30 odd heirloom vines ALL GONE!!!! Well, not all gone, the stalks were still left so I guess that's something, right???!!!
Well, thankfully we had just over an inch of rain that very same week which gave all of my little bare stalks a boost of energy and they got to work recovering....
So now 3 months down the track I'm starting to see greenery again and small amounts of fruit, I'm so glad that everything is recovering... I spend a lot of time in my garden and to have it all vanish over a couple of days was heart breaking to say the least... I hope those darn sheep got a belly ache for being so cheeky....
Tomorrow we are heading out in DH's plane 'Charile' for a joy ride....
We might stay out all day, heck we might ever bed up somewhere for the night.... We're thinking fishing, on the river, with a nice cooked meal maybe even an ice cold beer from this place, what do you reckon????